With that requirement in mind, it was with great joy that I was able to bum a room from the ever hospitable duo of Dwight and Carol, grab a free plane ticket thanks to frequent flier miles and find a cheap rental car during San Fran's busiest weekend of the year. No, there were no wine festival, or a bunch of techies trekking to Cupertino. Instead, it was Pride weekend, and what a weekend it was.
(Now that you've clicked on the above link, please use this time to utter an oft used expression correctly for maybe the first time ever - "That is so gay...")
While I could ramble on about topless lesbians on Harleys that easily outweighed myself, small Asian men dressed as cupid, or people with breasts and an underwear bulge, I will just let the pictures do the talking...
One other note - It's great to know that even in this "difficult economic climate", there are still jobs to be had.