Friday, October 17, 2008

Don't Stop Believing

The MLB post season is amazing. Money and egos go out the window and everything comes down to who plays better, harder, smarter and makes fewer mistakes.

Unfortunately, with the MLB post season comes the many irritants that seem to repeat themselves year after year after year. Here are the things that have begun to chap my arse this post season:
Baseball Tonight without Harold Reynolds
I know, I know. He was allegedly slapping asses and grabbing the ladies down in Bristol and deserved to be fired. But really, Gammons, Kruk, Kurkjian and Ravich have tried to fill the hole he left with no luck. I'd wish that we were back in the 60s so such actions could be swept under the carpet, but the same ignorance that allowed sexual harassment would have also kept him off tv.

Unenthusiastic Players
I've never held back my great displeasure with J.D. Drew. He is lazy, always hurt, slammed by La Russa and is as charismatic as my refrigerator. Just moments ago he hit a walk off single to top off a come back from 7 down. He sounded about as enthusiastic as I will on the morning of my first colonoscopy. Unfortunately it seems that Jay Bay is following in his footsteps when it comes to showing any emotion whatsoever.

Tim McCarver/Joe Buck
Could there be a more awful game calling duo out there? Joe Buck has two things going for him: his dad's legacy and his voice. His condescending attitude is apparent within 2 minutes of the first pitch and his inability to criticize any umpires, managers or MLB executives is reaching legendary proportions. God forbid a ball bounces three times and is called a strike - he might actually have to acknowledge an ump's mistake!

The NFL has realized that Buck is a dud and have attempted to make it right by pairing him with Troy Aikman. Unfortunately MLB has done just the opposite and teamed him with Tim McCarver, who makes Joe Morgan look like a master orator. McCarver seems to make a game of each broadcast where he throws a bunch of baseball phrases in a hat and just pulls from it at random times. Paying him to speak makes as much sense as paying me to walk around shirtless.

A Lack of Remy/Orsillo Giggle Fits
There is nothing better than coming home on a Tuesday night, turning the Sox on, and listening to Rem-Dog and Don giggle like school girls on Valentine's Day. These attacks usually last an inning or two and make no sense, but are too funny to get irritated by.

Other than that, this has been a pretty good post season so far. It'd be great to see Amalie Benjamin and Rem-Dog get the nationwide airtime that Orsillo has, but I'm sure that will come in time.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the best 80s song...

chadwik66 said...

Do you mean this one?