Thursday, January 22, 2009

Damn it feels good...

Most of my family and friends have no idea what I do for work. It's been widely speculated by family members that I either:
  1. Work with a covert government agency
  2. Fix computers at Best Buy
Unfortunately, my life just isn't as exciting as carrying a gun or wearing the much desired blue polo with khakis. Instead, I'm a consultant. I could go into details, but this video pretty much has it covered:

Please note - the bankers in that video are the douches that helped get us in this housing bust/credit crunch/insolvent banking situation. We, the consultants, are the good guys.

Props to Donner for sending along the link.

Holmes out.


Jamie said...

Hey, watch the banker comments!! Some of us ate dust over the last few years, making less but higher quality loans that the competition...and did not contribute to this crap-o-la situation. Love you too :)

chadwik66 said...

I'd expect nothing less from the well educated southern belle type bankers out there. It's the silver-spoon, never faced a challenge in their life punks that need a good ass whooping.