Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 3: Badlands!

Alright, I was gonna complain about some be-atch at the campground in this blog entry, but these pictures are too great to let me be cranky:

These are all of Badlands National Park in South Dakota. Let me point out that these pics don't do the Badlands justice. It is amazing - my combination of an untrained eye with a simple digital camera couldn't grab how truly awesome it actually is.

First thing tomorrow morning, my bro and I will be hitting it up for a 6.6 mile hike that will require avoidance of rattlesnakes. If you read about 2 men found huddled together and, dead from dehydration due to crying in the Badlands wilderness, feel free to assume that it is the two of us.

Now for a quick run down of the day:

Rollin', Rollin' Rollin'

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521 miles, roughly 7 hours (I LOVE 75 mph Speed Limits)

My Bro's First Sonic Experience

There is a reason that we are all a bit portly. My bros and I love our food.

Windmills/Windfarms throughout Minnesota
I still don't understand why there aren't more of these nation wide. I really think the birds will fly around them and they actually look kind of cool on the horizon.

NPR is everywhere out here. I have no problem finding a new station once one gets out of range. On top of that, the local shows are actually pretty good. No babbling Diane Rehm to listen to.

Adult Superstores
They are spaced at convenient intervals. Now, I've not found the need to pick up a 12 pack of wild west themed DVDs or novelty gifts for this journey, but I know if I ever need to, they can be found roughly every 100 miles along highway 90.

So despite lots of driving for the third straight day, a PITA owner at the local campground (it rhymes with 'Lad Bands A-OK'*) and smelling like a Motel 8 after an RNC convention, it turned out to be a decent day after all. Hiking and relaxing tomorrow. Yellowstone in 2 days!

*This could also be the motto of MTV program directors in the late 90s/early 00s.


Anonymous said...

it is completely and thoroughly sucky that we (manassas-ites) get sonic commercials up the ying yang, but the closest singular one is about an hour away. the next closest is like 3-4 hours away. bastids.

>>Let me point out that these pics >>don't do the INSERT NATURAL >>WONDER HERE justice.

i'm sure you'll be saying that a lot. you're going to be seeing some hella-awesome scenery!

Unknown said...

Funny thing is, I think I have those exact same pictures, Chad.

Good to see you guys are having fun so far. Why are you taking two cars though? I must've missed that part or maybe you never told me prior to leaving.

And you guys are hauling serious ass. Don't get burnt out from driving all the time, take frequent stops and enjoy the trip!

Mom said...

Hi Chaz - whoops, I mean Chad,
The photos are awesome - I can only imagine what it is like in real life. All I could think of is you two hiking and falling through some crevasse and having to chew your arms off.....but, if you planned carefully, you would have brought a soggy ol' Sonic burger with you just in case! It looks like the weather is just gorgeous and I hope it holds out - I was watching the Weather Chaneel today and it looks like you are right on course to hit all the rain that is coming east. Make sure that you tell Scotty and Janine that we said hi and we send our love and best of luck to you guys - you look like you are having a ball! Is the Ian that left you a comment, Donner? Anyway, you guys rock - and the house is very quiet ....and clean!
Love you Mom - drive carefully

Anonymous said...


Carol and I drove past the Badlands at about 85 on our way out here 4 years ago. Impressive pictures. Much more clear than the blur in my memory.

BTW, rattlesnakes are extremely quick on the strike. Don't even think of screwing with them. And they are smaller than you think so keep your ears open, you'll hear them before you see them. And that snake venom phosphodiesterase is serious stuff (it actually unravels your dna strands) so stay well clear.